On November 7,
2001, on the Scullyfic mailing list, list member Jerry (aka Opus)
took over administrative duties for the day while list mom Jill Selby was
Opus was pining for a Mulder fix and issued a challenge to the list:
Write a 155-word story about Mulder, and win a prize.
She got much, much more than she expected.
Below are the
27 stories posted that day (and in following days)
in response to the challenge. As a bonus, we also have
the story Jerry posted as a thanks to the list.
The stories cover
a multitude of settings, points of view,
and even length (some shorter than 155 words, some longer),
but each is a clear, concise snapshot of some aspect
of the character we've followed for the past eight years
proof that he may be gone, but he'll never be forgotten.
A word of caution:
Some stories contain adult content and/or spoilers through
the end of Season Eight (and even some speculation about Season 9).
Check headers when offered, and read at your own risk.
Comparing Value by Jean Robinson
Crimson Night by Emma Brightman
The Feeling Was Mutual by Barbara D.
Job Description by Jean Robinson
Miracle and Wonder by Michelle Kiefer
Summer on the Vineyard by Elanor G
Sunday Afternoon, Maggie's House by JourneytoX
The Weight of Secrets by Shelba
Who is That? by Circe Invidiosa
And last but never least, Jerry's thank-you fic:
First Scenes, Ninth Season by Jerry
Thanks to
the authors listed above for giving archival permission.
And in case you're curious, the prize went to Anjou
but, as Jerry said, it's obvious we were all winners.
Site problems or questions to Noelle Leithe (aka Shannon).