The Weight of Secrets By Shelba B. E-mail: or Disclaimer: Not mine. Borrowed. Spoilers: Season 9 Post EP. Nothing Important Happened Today. Archive: IWTB, Gossamer, Scullyfic. Anyone else, please drop me a note. Feedback: Cherished, honored, replied to and given a home on my HD. 155 words: The Weight of Secrets By Shelba B If truth in hearts that perish Could move the powers on high, I think the love I bear you Should make you not to die. --AE Houseman He steps to the bassinet and scoops William from his nest. Cradling his son closely, he nuzzles his downy cheek, breathing him in. For a moment, Mulder drowns in the possibilities shining behind his son's eyes. "It's time?" Her gentle hands take his son. "I love him so much. You'll tell him?" "Every day, Mulder. Until you're back to tell him yourself." "And if I can't be?" Words crack in his throat, "Promise you won't wait." "You'll be back," her eyes widen, "you will." "Yes," he whispers, but thinks of the bargain he struck. *Better the father, than the son...* "Mulder..." "Promise," he whispers against the protest on her lips. "Please." Confusion darkens her eyes. His heart cracks under the weight of secrets kept. He kisses their cross. Her faith. His belief. Their love. ~~fin~~~