Saturation. Mulder in 155. by cucumberspy Blood is red. He’s known this since he was in elementary school, when he made paper chains of red and green for their Christmas tree. He wanted to be an astronaut then, just like every other eight year old in America. Astronauts cannot be color-blind and supposedly, neither can FBI agents. Agents come in pairs sometimes, like saltshakers. Secretly he relishes the comparison. Sons inherit daltonism from their mothers; color-blindness, Scully says, is an x-linked trait. He is not defective, but color-naïve, she said one generous day. ‘Could you tell your crayons apart?’ ‘Without wrappers? Of course,’ he said. ‘I had a system.’ Truthfully, his system only worked at home, where Sam favored green crayons, easily reducing them to stubby little pieces with determination seven years old. Old men smelling of nicotine cannot reduce this matched pair to thrift store cast-offs. He will not let it happen, even if it means spilling his own blood. fin.