SASQUATCH DREAMS by Marasmus Spoilers: S2 For Jerry -------------------- He drawls to a halt when her eyes slip shut for the third time. "You must be tired, I guess I should go," he murmurs, getting up from the hard plastic chair. Her hand is on his arm straight away, and she sits up, ignoring the way that makes the world tilt and twist. "No." "Scully, the nurses will be chasing me out soon," he says. "Chasing you, more like," she replies. He lets out a soft breathy laugh. It troubles her that he looks so different. Three months shouldn't make such a difference. She keeps telling herself that it's not so long, not really. Deeper lines around his mouth and across his forehead. Wells of shadow under his eyes and in them, something sourer, darker. He's caught a glimpse of his truth and he hates the very shape of it. "You should get your rest," he says again. "I'm really not tired," she says, spoiling the effect with a yawn, but she knows that if he leaves, her mind will start turning her experiences over and over and they're too sharp for that, they lacerate. He smiles and she thinks maybe he understands. "So. Did I ever tell you about the file I have on the sasquatch who stole Mary Jenkins' car?" "There's no such thing as a sasquatch, Mulder, and even if there were, I doubt it could drive." "You can mock, Scully, but I have evidence. It was a dark and stormy night..." "How convenient..." "Yes. Very..." Her eyes slip shut to his gentle monotone. Don't ever stop talking to me, Mulder. Don't ever stop. ---------------