TITLE: The Boy AUTHOR: Snark RATING: G SPOILERS: None FEEDBACK: snark_911@yahoo.com === The voice soothes me, as it always has. From beneath the constant pain it whispers, quiet yet almost alive. "There was once a Velveteen Rabbit." I don't remember much from Before, but I remember the voice. It was there almost every night, drifting down from somewhere above a flashlight's circle of light, above the finger moving down the page as the words sprang to life. "'You were Real to the Boy,' the Fairy said, 'because he loved you.'" I loved the Boy, too. He was always there. He laughed with me, ran with me, pushed me in that silly tire swing every time I asked... "G'night, Samantha." ...and he read to me. I slipped into my dreams each night with both the blanket and his kindness tucked warmly around me. As the tests begin once again, I wonder if the Boy loves me too, after all these years. I wonder if I'm still real. * * End * *