Title: Classified Author: Revely (revely_c@yahoo.com) Date: 11.7.01 ---- For Rent: Apartment: 42 Hegal Place. No Bedroom/One bedroom (depends). Hardwood floors (small red stain in front hall/bedroom water damage/tiny bullet hole in wall). Drippy (but rhythmic) bathroom faucet. Furnished: leather couch (some stains), waterbed (against CC&Rs, but too tiresome to remove. Might possibly be a loaner anyway). Building has fascinating history, particularly hallway. Tolerant neighbors. Contact F. Luder: 555-4872 ---- For Sale: Extensive porn collection. Mid 80's (plethora of leggy blondes) through late '90's (plethora of petite redheads). Dustjackets not available - cased discreetly in "World's Deadliest Swarms" boxes. Must go. Moving, can't take to new abode. Contact Diesmokingbastarddie@email.com ---- Help Wanted: Babysitter for one child, five month old. Monday - Friday, 8-5. Willingness to be on-call a plus. Must know CPR, self-defense, be willing to submit to extensive background check(s). License to Carry Concealed not necessarily considered drawback. House has extensive security system. Contact DKS 555-4291. To start immediately - baby's Father returning to work. ---END