The Scullyfic "Mulder in 155" challenge turned out so very
nicecly that on December 4, 2001, list administrator Jill Selby
issued a complementary challenge:

Write a 155-word story about Scully.

It is, after all, SCULLYfic.

Below are the stories posted that day (and in following days)
in response to the challenge.
The stories cover a multitude of settings,
points of view, and even length (some shorter than 155 words,
some longer), but each is a clear, concise snapshot of some aspect
of the character we've followed for going on nine years.

A word of caution: Some stories contain adult content and/or spoilers into
Season Nine. Check headers when offered, and read at your own risk.

4:10 by Nlynn

Ache by Gwinne

Almanac by cucumberspy

At Last by nadra gen

Back to School by Sarah Segretti

Beep by Tabula Rasa

Bittersweet by Dawn

Closet by Noelle Leithe

Day One by Nova

Dear Dana by Sophia Jirafe

My Soul to Take by dtg

Needy by Jean Robinson

New Regimen by Vehemently

Nude Reclining by Michelle Kiefer

Perks by mountainphile

Picture Perfect by tua

Rain by Lilydale

Siren Song by Shelba

Souvenir by Extremis

Stolen Words by Circe Invidiosa

The Stranding by Bonetree

Studying the Dead by Elanor G

To Grandmother's House by cofax

Tomorrow, Partnership by Lysandra

Travelling Light by Rain

Trinket by Fialka

Unspoken by Snark

Warmth by Medawyn

What It Felt Like by Pteropod

When Even the Trees Move by Sue


Thanks to the authors listed above for giving archival permission.

Site problems or questions to Noelle Leithe (aka Shannon).