Title: New Regimen by: Vee (vehemently@yahoo.com) Logic: none Setting: guess 2am. This is day 3. Or 4, now. Feel terrible. The Three Wisemen came by in the afternoon and stood around awkwardly, mostly not looking at Mulder. He is doing his best impression of a dignified statue, which is of course awful. They looked at me just fine, including poor little troll man. The flowers he brought were hand-picked, messy. Cherry blossoms. And then mom came in with hash brownies and where does she find cannabis in Pennsylvania? Frohike had one and broke off a piece for me. Felt nappish after that, and kept down a snack at 6:30. (They should definitely legalize.) Then the evening dose, and barfed through primetime. Mulder fled for that part, thank goodness. He looks like a ghoul already; I wonder if I can send him away when I start to lose my hair. END (Because while I do practice Carterese in my journal, I also practice sentence fragments and inanity.) Vee ===== http://www.geocities.com/veehome Bad and Wrong Since 1993! http://www.geocities.com/veehome/thei/forensics/ MABtng's Police and Forensics Notes