Title: Day One Author: Nova (nova963@yahoo.com) Archive: Only for scullyfic Rating: G Category: Scully in 155 Disclaimer: All X-Files characters belong to 1013 and FOX. Spoilers: Pilot "Day One" | Nova After work she called her sister, who asked, "So how's the new officemate?" "He's...interesting," she said, and opened her dresser drawer. How long would she be away? Two nights or three? Missy laughed. "You must like him then." She shrugged and picked out three pair of underwear, folded them into the carry-on. "We'll see. He has some strange ideas." "Does he really believe in aliens?" Should she bring a suit or jeans? What was the weather like in Oregon this time of year, anyway? "I don't know, Missy." She hadn't done much traveling for the bureau, and she was nervous about going on the road with a man she'd just met. "I'm actually going out of town for a few days on a case with him." "Already?" "Yes. I'll call you when I get home, okay?" She decided to bring both the suit and the jeans, then added her red bathrobe. The motel room might be cold at night. XXX