Title: NEEDY Author: Jean Robinson (jeanrobinson@yahoo.com) Disclaimer: Characters from the X-Files are the property of Ten Thirteen Productions and the Fox Television Network. No infringement is intended. Rating: PG Classification: 155-word fic Archive: Please ask permission. Spoilers: "Leonard Betts" Summary: Everybody needs something. Feedback: Adored at jeanrobinson@yahoo.com Author's notes at the end ***************************** NEEDY By Jean Robinson "You have something I need." The terrible hidden meaning barely registers before Betts lunges at me, scalpel in hand. Instinct, backed by disbelief and an insane desire to prove him wrong, takes over. Could a sick person fight you, grab defibrillator paddles and zap you back to the grave? Take THAT, you bastard! Mulder arrives to find me shaken but standing. He blinks but doesn't object when I escape after treatment to wait in the car. Now he's hovering, explaining that Betts is dead and his mother has cancer. Mulder finishes awkwardly. "You should be proud." He's honestly puzzled at my silence, since I kicked the crap out of Betts. When I tangle with suspects in hand-to-hand combat, the outcome is usually reversed. Just ask Duane Barry and Donnie Pfaster. Mulder's waiting for a response. I say the only thing that will shield the extreme possibility from both of us. "I want to go home." End Author's notes: I always thought Mulder's little speech at the end of this episode sounded forced. I just never knew why until now. Feedback treasured at jeanrobinson@yahoo.com. ===== My fanfic has a new home! Stop in and visit at: http://home.midsouth.rr.com/xffanfic/robinson/index.html