Jill, with camera.

Bonnie makes tiaras, animals and pervalicious sculptures at lightning speed.

Michaela models what every good
Bitter Ol' Fanfic Diva and Prom Queen
is wearing these days.

Meredith explains her Donut Theory, puzzling QofMush, Kari and Jean.

Sharon teaches Michaela to shake her groove thang.

Jill got cupcakes for her birthday, and only a day late!

Of course, there was plenty of other food to be had as well.

Generally speaking, pandemonium ruled in the cabin.


Meredith and QofMush man the raffle table.

Nancy and Sue conduct the annual reading from the Weekly World News.

Jean, Sue, Kat and Shannon try to sort out the swap swapping.

The swaps! All super-cool, of course.

The leftovers.