On March 30,
2001, nearly forty women from across the country
(and even the world) gathered at the Camp of the Ozarks
near Potosi, Missouri.
The events that followed would live in infamy.
Within these
pages you will find a photographic record
of these events. Names are as they were provided to this
reporter, who infiltrated this group in the interest of
the public's right to know, as well as a burning need to eat
as much chocolate as possible.
Photographs have been
classified into five categories, based
on a list of criteria, with the lack of coherency based upon an inverse
proportion of the amount of sleep the webmistress has had in the
past three days. If you don't find the photograph you want on the
page where you think it should be, keep looking for it.
More photos will be added
as they come in, so if you're not
pictured, don't for a second believe you've escaped.
Photo albums
Please send photos, additions, or corrections to Shannon.