The Scullyfic challenges continue! On Friday, December 14, 2001,
legendary Skinner fan Kim (aka JourneytoX) took over the list for the day,
named Scullyfic's Big Cheese while listmom Jill Selby was away.

Her challenge was no surprise. To anyone.

Below are the stories posted in response to the challenge.
As before, the stories cover a multitude of settings,
points of view, and even length (some shorter than 155 words,
some longer), but each is a clear, concise snapshot of some aspect
of The Surly One himself.

A word of caution: Some stories contain adult content and/or spoilers into
Season Nine. Check headers when offered, and read at your own risk.

75 by Snark

Absolution by Elanor G

Asymmetrical Warfare by Sarah Segretti

Black Flowers by Bonetree

Blind Faith, Round Two by Barbara D.

Boss Around by Jean Robinson

Counterbalance by dtg

The Games Boys Play by LRuth

Landing by Nlynn

Long Time Gone by Michelle Kiefer

Long Weekend by Noelle Leithe

Mass by JET

Sir, What You've Done by Sue

Staying Connected by QofMush

The Wall by Lara Means

Thanks to the authors listed above for giving archival permission.

Site problems or questions to Noelle Leithe (aka Shannon).