Title: Scully's Valentine Author: Western Rose Category: 155-word fic. Scully POV. Romantic. Rating: G for Gooey. Archive: Yes for Scullyfic and SIS, all others ask, please. ~ A man who knows that the answer to almost every problem can be found in a box of Joseph Schmidt truffles. A man who will join you in a bubble bath, then assist you in cleaning the bathroom when you have vigorously emptied the tub of water and bubbles without opening the drain. A man who can flip you over one shoulder and carry you to the bedroom, where he feeds you ginger-garlic shrimp from the Fire Horse Cafe and then eats you. A man who when asked what he wanted for his birthday, rummaged in his kitchen drawer for a spool of unused Christmas ribbon, then gently tied a bow in your hair. You stood there smiling and crying until he kissed you, and you never wanted him to stop. A man who has always loved you. Scully dropped her old keys in her landlord's mailbox and took his hand. "Let's go home, Walter." ~ end ~ End note: Gosh! Even a cynic like me still has a little gooey center! ---