Title: Pure Sex Author: Revely Spoilers: None. I keep taking this scene out of my current work in progress and then putting it back in, and when I discovered it was exactly 155 words, well, I took it as a sign. *g* The story is after Redux II and before Detour, but this could take place almost any time. Unbetaed, so beware! ---- After the case, she lobbied to spend the rest of Valentine's Day in town and he truckled to her will. They ended up at the used bookshop. Sidewalk shoppers crowded the tables between the curb and door, milling around under the awning. Mulder kept eyeing a home-improvement tome that indicated a heretofore unshown lust for power tools. She followed him, checking out the crowd, some of whom looked familiar in a vague small-town way. (She'd either played with them as kids or they were on the Most Wanted List.) He moved toward a line of fluorescent t-shirts on a rack and flipped through them. "Scully," he said to get her attention, holding one up. The t-shirt had "Pure Sex" scrawled across the chest. That'll do, she thought. "Nor your color," she said. He gave her a bad-boy smile. "Prefer me shirtless?" She ignored him, but thought, Yes, and maybe later I'll show you how much. ----