Morning Sun by JET Disclaimer: Not mine. Grr. Spoilers: No later than S7. 155 Words. Post-ep. Quasi-coupled with "Exhumation," but it stands alone too. February 2002 - - - - - - It is late, freezing, and he comes home with her. She feels his gravitational pull and tries to believe. He has held his sister and Scully aches with jealousy, with grief. - - - In the dream Melissa grins and waves. - - - "I just miss her, sometimes." "I know," he says, pressing his forehead to hers. - - - The dark-haired girl beside Melissa sticks out her tongue, crosses her eyes. Scully hears rustling clothes. She can't reach them. The snowy hill is too steep. She wakes again. His hands rub her back softly. "They're okay," she hears. She closes her eyes. - - - "He deserves a family, Dana. He's ready now. Don't let him go." The snow fades. - - - Yellow stretches through the windows. "They're safe, Scully. They're gone. But we're here." She's anchored by his body, tangled with hers. She captures his hand as dawn drenches the bedroom. - - - end - - - "I used to think that the day would never come..." -- "True Faith," New Order - - - Thanks to Rev for QuickBeta and for not killing me, as this is, after all, "Closure"-fic. (Sorry, Rev.)