Animal Instinct By Lilydale A G-rated 155 word fic about Scully and love. ---- Fate brought me into her life and into her heart. One day I was wandering around my deathly quiet, absurdly chilly apartment, aimlessly drifting between the different rooms. So afraid. So hungry. So alone. My footsteps echoed on the bare wood floor. Pitter, patter. Pitter, patter. The sound of a restless, lonely soul. Then, one day, she stepped into my life. It wasn't my decision. Or hers. I was just there, the timing was right, and emotions were running high. I didn't know that she was *the one* right away. She didn't know it either. In fact, I think she was petrified. Now we live together. We fit together too, in that symbiotic way that can happen in situations like ours. If you're lucky. As I lay on her chest, her arm curls a little tighter around me, her hand rubs my fluffy orange fur, and I know. This is what love feels like. ---- Thanks to Emma Brightman for unknowingly inspiring this story in a roundabout way with a quirky little haiku that she may not even remember. Thanks also to the listmoms for the challenge and for the mere mention of chocolate (of which I love all kinds).