"Tears On My Heart" by Lisa Disclaimer: Nope, these characters aren't mine. Category: VRA Classification: MSR Rating: PG Spoilers: This Is Not Happening Archive: Gossamer. Spookys. Further X. Others ask me. Summary: Scully attempts closure after Mulder's death. Thanks to: Sara Lynn for the beta help. "Tears on My Heart" by Lisa haven599@msn.com I feel Skinner and Doggett's eyes on me as I walk down the hall, as if I'm going to crumble at any second. Perhaps that would be healthier for everyone. I'm making my way to the morgue to see him. I've been in a morgue hundreds of times and thought nothing of it, but now I fear it with every fiber of my being. Mulder. Dead. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. I feel as if I shifted into the wrong universe. There must be a way to get back to the correct one -- a door, key or magic word that would set everything back to the way it should be. I turn the cold knob on the metal door and walk in. My breath catches in my throat. He is lying right there on the first metal table. The bag is unzipped down to his chest. Oh God. I don't know if I can do this. His skin is a grayish-blue. There is a large scar down the middle of his chest and I wonder if it continues down the length of his body. I also wonder if I should find out. Can I live knowing the answer? Can I live without knowing? I need to know. Grasping the zipper, I pull it down almost to the end. The sound seems very loud in the quiet room. I see a lot of dried blood, which means the wounds are pretty recent. Blinking back tears, I see marks on his hands and feet where it looks like he was restrained by something or someone. But I already know these things. The injuries are very similar to the ones that Theresa Hoese and Ritchie's friend Gary suffered from. When the autopsy's done I'll know for sure. I've already asked to have the report sent to me. I hope I'll be strong enough to read it. I begin to feel sick to my stomach and quickly zip the bag back up, covering the worst of his injuries. Finding a nearby chair, I pull it up next to him, tears swimming in my eyes. Why did this have to happen? Another person I love is gone from my life. It's not fair. "Mulder, I'm sorry." I stroke his hair, feeling so guilty for not being able to save him. "I'm so sorry I didn't arrive sooner, but I didn't figure out Jeremiah Smith was at the camp until it was too late." The tears are streaming down my face and some fall onto the cold, concrete floor. "I hope you can forgive me." "I know what happened," I tell him. "Or at least have an idea. Theresa Hoese was returned and the doctor informed me of her injuries. I think the same thing was done to you." I wipe the tears from my eyes before continuing. "It's all right, Mulder. I know you were brave, but it was too hard for you to hold on. You weren't strong enough. No one could be strong enough to endure that torture." I put my head down on his chest and cry. I'm not sure the tears will ever stop now. I have nothing left. No, wait, that's not true. I have *someone.* Someone depending on me. I can't give up. I raise my head up. "You were right, Mulder. You told me not to give up on a miracle. When I was least expecting it, one came," I inform him. "I'm pregnant with our child." "It was a miracle. A miracle that you gave to me. A part of you lives inside me." I touch his hair again as if he's just asleep and will awaken at any moment. "I will cherish this child as long as I live." I slowly rise from the chair, hesitating a moment longer. I just can't bring myself to seal him up in this bag. And I can't linger here much longer or it will be too hard for me to leave. "I love you," I say softly. "Forever." I bend down and kiss his forehead one last time. I walk to the door and turn the knob slowly, slipping out quietly. It shuts softly, but with a clicking finality. Taking a deep breath, I try to compose myself before facing anyone. I place my hand on my stomach. "We'll take it one day at a time, sweetie." ++++ END (1/1) Like what you read? Come to Lisa's Haven: http://www.shannono.net/haven/