Disclaimer: Nope, these characters aren't mine. Category: VA Classification: MSR Rating: PG Spoilers: Within/Without Archive: Gossamer. Spookys. Further X. Others ask me. Feedback: Knock yourself out. Summary: "Time has stopped for us, but it's just a temporary delay. I have to believe that." Thanks to: Shannon and Sara Lynn. Author's Note: (for Sara Lynn) Hankie alert! You've been warned. "Stopped Time" by Lisa haven599@msn.com You are my one and only thought. I have nothing else now but the image of you in my mind. I miss you so much. I have no concept of time here. I don't know if I was taken two days or two years ago. I gave up on trying to figure it out. Sealed in darkness, it's too hard to estimate hours, days, or weeks. It's just not productive. I do remember that you were sick when I last saw you. I hope it's not serious. You've got to be okay by now. I have to believe you are fine. It's the only way to save my sanity, which is hanging on by the thinnest of threads. I won't lie to you; the tests are painful. Some days excruciating. I keep wondering if this is what you went through. Did they hurt you like this? Your memories are hazy, so perhaps they spared you this pain. I don't believe anyone could forget these things. I'd rather it happen to me than you. It makes a weird kind of sense that I was abducted. After all these years, it shouldn't really surprise you, should it? As long as you're safe and sound, that's all I care about. I have so many questions for you about the case, our jobs, and the X-Files, but most of all just . . . us. I need to see you again. That's the only thing that keeps me going, and I hope it comes true soon so I'll get the chance to show you how much I love you. I want to make love to you again, Scully, those few times weren't enough. Time has stopped for us, but it's just a temporary delay. I have to believe that. I'm so weak, both physically and emotionally. Sometimes they don't let me out of the chair for what seems like days. I shuffle back to my room to get as much sleep as I possibly can before the next treatment. If I'm lucky, my dreams will be filled with images of you. When I remember, I repeat your phone number over and over again so I won't forget. My mind doesn't seem to be as agile as before. It's as if I have less capacity for storage, if that makes any sense. If They let me go or I manage to get out of here, I hope I can find you. Of course, without money, clothes, or a source of transportation, it may prove difficult. I have no idea if I'm ten or ten thousand miles away from you. Maybe I can get by on my looks alone. I wish I could write these words down so you could read them. I want you to know what's in my head. Read my thoughts. If only I still had the power I did last fall. I wish I knew what you were feeling. I want to be there to reassure you that I'll be fine, but I don't even know myself right now. Maybe too much time has gone by and my words are irrelevant. If so, I hope you have moved on with your life. I hope you've met someone. I don't want you to be alone. Remember when I told you there was more than this? Well, I hope you've found it. As much as I love and respect you, I want you to be happy and choose your own path, and if that's apart from me I understand. I hope I see you again. If not, remember I love you. Always. **** END (1/1) Like what you read? Come to Lisa's Haven: http://shannono.net/haven/