The Metamorphosis (with apologies to Kafka -- hell, with apologies to *everyone* ...) As David Hasselhoff awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. A cockroach, to be exact. No wimpy waterbugs here. Automatically, he directed his multifaceted gaze down his sectioned body, searching for the answer to the one question that would decide his fate in his new life. But before his eyes found their target, a voice came from his left, offering reassurance. "Don't worry, Mr. Hasselhoff, sir," the soft, sexy voice said. "You're still hung like a club-tailed dragonfly." Mr. Hasselhoff, sir, exhaled in relief, then looked over at the woman sitting in a chair beside his bed. His gaze skimmed from the top of her shining black hair over her voluptuous curves, encased in a tight, low-cut t-shirt and cargo shorts. What a hot babe, he thought. "Who are *you*?" he asked suavely, happy to discover that his voice was just as deep and sensual as ever. "My name is Doctor Bambi Berenbaum," she replied easily, crossing her long, shapely, bare legs and leaning forward, deepening her cleavage. "I'm an entomologist for the federal government, and I've been sent to study you. In detail." Mr. Hasselhoff, sir's many eyes widened. "In detail?" he asked, suddenly wary of this hot babe. "How so?" Then he stopped and did a double take. "Your name is *Bambi*??" Slowly, she laid her pen and notepad on the bedside table and lifted her hands to her belt. "Well, you see," she replied, as her clothes began to fall away, "I've conducted nearly every test imaginable on every insect imaginable. Some of them several times. But there's one thing I've never been able to test for myself." Mr. Hasselhoff, sir, swallowed, his thin little arms and legs waving helplessly in mid-air. "What's that?" he managed, all his eyes glued to her swaying breasts as she moved toward him. She smiled, something in her eyes sparking wild and feral. "Insects are too small," she purred, climbing onto the bed and straddling his dome-like brown belly. "You're the first one big enough for in-depth sexual study." Mr. Hasselhoff, sir's eyes bugged out (so to speak). "You mean ..." "That's right," Bambi purred, bringing her face down to within inches of his as her body lowered to cover his. "You see, I've always wanted to experiment with human/insect crossbreeds ..." THE END (thank the lawdy) Author's note: I plead the fifth.